New! - the Place Standard tool with Climate Lens

A new Climate Lens is now available for the Place Standard tool. This new resource offers the opportunity to consider climate change and how it will impact on health and wellbeing and Scotland’s places.

Good place-making is essential for designing a robust local response to the climate emergency, such as taking local action to cut emissions and to increase resilience to local climate change impacts. The climate lens can help you to consider how the impacts and influence of climate change will play out in a local area

Access the Place Standard with a Climate Lens

Place Standard tool Children and Young Peoples’ Versions

Two new versions of the Place Standard tool have been developed to support children and young people participating in conversations about their places, assessing the quality of their places and identifying change and improvement. Both tools have been adapted and developed by Play Scotland and A Place in Childhood in consultations with children and young people.

Find out more about the children and young peoples' tools

Place Standard Design Version

The Place Standard tool Design Version is a complementary addition to the original Place Standard tool. It provides a method through which the Place Standard can directly inform the emerging design of a development or a place. It supports users to structure design considerations, discussions and decision-making around an emerging development proposal, based on holistic place-based thinking.

Based on the same 14 Place Standard themes, the Design Version organises these into 5 overarching categories and uses design-orientated focus areas and detailed prompts that are referenced to urban design principles and linked to Scottish Government national design policies and guidance.

The Design Version offers the flexibility to suit different stages in the design and development processes; from high level design brief through to concept design and detailed design.

The tool can be used by anyone with an interest or stake in the development process, in particular, developers (and commissioners of developments), spatial planners, urban designers, architects, landscape architects, transport planners; as well as planners in local authority planning and development management teams.

Access the Place Standard tool Design Version here

Place Standard Guide

The Place Standard tool is simple and easy to use. There is lots of practical information and support to help you know how to use the tool including the Place Standard Guide. The Guide provides a range of guidance on how to plan and carry out your assessment.

Access the Place Standard Guide

The Place Standard tool with Air Quality Lens

This part of the tool has information on air quality and has additional prompts which can be used in areas if you want to know how local people feel about air quality and their ideas to improve air quality.

Access the Place Standard tool Air Quality lens here

Place Standard Case Studies

This series of case studies from Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) illustrates how the Place Standard tool has been used in a variety of ways and at a range of scales to inform spatial planning community planning, design and development.

The practitioners and organisations featured in the case studies explain their reason for using the tool, the methods they applied, their approach to empowering local communities and the impact this has had. They also share their perceptions of the tool, the knowledge gained in using it as well as any valuable lessons learned and worth sharing with others.

Access the Place Standard tool case studies here

Place Standard Learning Resource

The Place Standard tool is simple and easy to use. However, for some groups or organisations who may wish more in-depth knowledge of the tool, a really useful learning resource has been created by Public Health Scotland. The aim of this learning resource is to enable users to understand and practically apply the Place Standard tool in a variety of contexts, through helpful tools and templates.

This resource extends to any group looking to undertake a Place Standard assessment and has primarily been designed with community and third sector groups and organisations in mind. You'll be prompted to login or create an account in order to use the tool.

Access the Learning Resource here

Place Standard Strategy

The implementation of the Place Standard is guided by a strategic plan.

The plan sets a vision for how the Place Standard tool can build on its successes to date and support place-based working across Scotland.

It aims to ensure that the views, stories and real life experiences of people living in a particular place are captured, valued and integrated into the heart of decision-making processes

Read the Place Standard Strategy here

Evidence behind the Place Standard Tool and the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes

This report and briefing paper set out the evidence behind the Place Standard Tool and health impacts.

Click here to access the report

Place Standard Tool Inclusive Communication Toolkit

Inclusive communication includes as many people as possible in any communication and through any channel – in person, on the phone, online or on paper. This guide and the resources further down on the page will help you access this in an effective way.

Access the Inclusive Communications Toolkit here