The report summarises key issues and debates in order to demonstrate the range and interconnectedness of the problems we face in creating better places.

The articles in the report recognise the multi-faceted nature of placemaking and the fact that it can be driven by a variety of competing forces (physical, political, economic, social, environmental), agendas, and actors (public, private or communities) aiming to regenerating a space within an urban landscape. It also appreciates that at the core of placemaking processes and practices are long-established debates around different conceptualisations of what constitutes/defines a place.

Although the authors often write of ‘towns’ and ‘cities’, we recognise that these concerns affect all forms and scales of physical development, from urban centres to suburbs and rural villages. This report is targeted at property owners and managers, developers and designers, and city authorities.

csu2020388-ebe-research-brochure-a4v5lowres21020-1-132478418520057797.pdf (

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